Os códigos abaixo estão em inglês. Segue a lista de tradução:
Down: Baixo
Up: Cima
Left: Esquerda
Right: Direita
Triangle: Botão triângulo
Square: Botão Quadrado
Circle: Botão círculo
X: Botão X
Efeito | Código |
#1 Point | Down, Up, Triangle |
"$%#&!" | Up, Up, Circle |
"FATALITY" | Up, Up, Right, Right, square |
"FIGHT! | Left, Right, square |
"Finish Him!" | Left, Right, Left, Right, triangle |
"HA!" | Down, Up, Down, X |
"I'm Not Worthy" | Down, Down, triangle |
Big Clap | Right, Up, triangle |
Cheese | Left, Up, Down, circle |
Cover Face | Left, Right, circle |
Devil Horns | Down, Up, square |
Diamond Up | Up, Down, Left, triangle |
Double Devil Horns Towards Screen. | Up, Down, triangle |
Gather Ice | Right, Right, Right, Left, triangle |
Hold up a Skunk | left, right, up, up X |
Hop | Up, Up, square |
Lighter | Down, Down, Up, Up, square |
Point | Right, Right, square |
Raiden Pose | Left, Left, Right, Right, square |
Shake Head | Left, Right, X |
Skunk (Stench) | Up, Down, Down, circle |
Sleep | Down, Down, Down, circle |
Stink Wave | Right, Left, circle |
Throw Tomato | Down, Down, Down, Up, X |
Efeito | Senha |
Armless Kombat | P1: 9-1-1 P2: 9-1-1 |
Blocking Disabled | P1: 0-2-0 P2: 0-2-0 |
Breakers Disabled | P1: 0-9-0 P2: 0-9-0 |
Dark Kombat | P1: 0-2-2 P2: 0-2-2 |
Double Dash | P1: 3-9-1 P2: 1-9-3 |
Dream Kombat | P1: 2-2-2 P2: 5-5-5 |
Enhance Moves Disabled | P1: 0-5-1 P2: 1-5-0 |
Explosive Kombat | P1: 2-2-7 P2: 2-2-7 |
Foreground Objects Disabled | P1: 0-0-1 P2: 0-0-1 |
Headless Kombat | P1: 8-0-8 P2: 8-0-8 |
Health Recovery | P1: 0-1-2 P2: 0-1-2 |
Hyper Fighting | P1: 0-9-1 P2: 0-9-1 |
Invisible Kombat | P1: 7-7-0 P2: 7-7-0 |
Jumping Disabled | P1: 8-3-1 P2: 8-3-1 |
Klassic Music Turns on the stage's classic music (from previous MK titles). | P1: 1-0-1 P2: 1-0-1 |
Kombos Disabled | P1: 9-3-1 P2: 9-3-1 |
No Blood | P1: 9-0-0 P2: 9-0-0 |
Player 1 Half Health | P1: 1-1-0 P2: 0-0-0 |
Player 1 Quarter Health | P1: 2-2-0 P2: 0-0-0 |
Player 2 Half Health | P1: 0-0-0 P2: 1-1-0 |
Player 2 Quarter Health | P1: 0-0-0 P2: 2-2-0 |
Power Bars Disabled | P1: 4-0-4 P2: 4-0-4 |
Psycho Kombat | P1: 7-0-7 P2: 7-0-7 |
Quick Uppercut Recovery | P1: 3-0-3 P2: 3-0-3 |
Rainbow Kombat | P1: 2-3-4 P2: 2-3-4 |
Random Phrase 1 “Don't defend in a temple corrupted with shadow.” | P1: 7-1-7 P2: 3-1-3 |
Random Phrase 2 “The krypt walls hold secrets.” | P1: 4-4-8 P2: 8-4-4 |
Random Phrase 3 “What lurks at the bottom of The Pit?” | P1: 1-2-2 P2: 2-2-1 |
Random Phrase 4 “?SUNOB YTSAOT” | P1: 0-0-9 P2: 0-0-9 |
Random Phrase 5 “Who hides in the forest?” | P1: 5-5-0 P2: 0-5-5 |
Random Phrase 6 “Motaro Transformation?” | P1: 0-3-1 P2: 1-3-0 |
Random Phrase 7 “She waits for you at the top of the tower…” | P1: 2-8-2 P2: 2-8-2 |
Random Phrase 8 “Thanks for karing!” | P1: 1-2-3 P2: 9-2-6 |
Sans Power | P1: 0-4-4 P2: 4-4-0 |
Silent Kombat | P1: 3-0-0 P2: 3-0-0 |
Specials Disabled | P1: 7-3-1 P2: 7-3-1 |
Super Recovery | P1: 1-2-3 P2: 1-2-3 |
Throwing Disabled | P1: 1-0-0 P2: 1-0-0 |
Throwing Encouraged | P1: 0-1-0 P2: 0-1-0 |
Tournament Mode | P1: 1-1-1 P2: 1-1-1 |
Unlimited Super Meter | P1: 4-6-6 P2: 4-6-6 |
Vampire Kombat | P1: 4-2-4 P2: 4-2-4 |
X-Rays Disabled | P1: 2-4-2 P2: 2-4-2 |
Zombie Kombat | P1: 6-6-6 P2: 6-6-6 |